Hummingbird Predators: All About Hummingbird Natural Enemies

hummingbird predators

Hummingbird Predators: All About Hummingbird Natural Enemies

As if we don’t have enough to worry about with all of the hummingbird feeders we put out, now we have to worry about what kind of predators might be lurking around our yard waiting to snatch a little hummingbird for dinner.

While many people think that no other animal would be interested in eating a pint-sized bird like a hummingbird, it turns out there are quite a few animals that enjoy them as part of their diet.

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the most common hummingbird predators and what you can do to help protect your favorite backyard birds.

What are the hummingbirds biggest predators?

1. Cats

hummingbird predators

One of the most common hummingbird predators is the house cat. While hummingbirds are fast and can maneuver well in the air, they are no match for a cat’s speed and agility.

If you have a hummingbird feeder in your yard, it’s important to keep an eye on your cat (or any other neighborhood cats) and make sure they aren’t preying on these little birds.

2. Snakes


Another predator that hummingbirds need to watch out for is snakes. While not all snakes are interested in hummingbirds, some species (like the king snake) will eat them if given the chance.

If you have snakes in your area, it’s important to be vigilant and make sure they aren’t getting to your hummingbirds.

3. Hawks

hummingbird predators

Hawks are another common predator of hummingbirds. While hummingbirds are small, they are still a good source of food for these larger birds of prey.

If you have hawks in your area, it’s important to be aware of their presence and take steps to protect your hummingbirds if necessary. For example don’t hang the hummingbird feeder in open spaces where hawks can easly spot them.

4. Owls

hummingbird predators

Owls are another predator that hummingbirds need to watch out for. Like hawks, owls will prey on hummingbirds if given the chance.

If you have owls in your area, it’s important to take steps to protect your hummingbirds from them.



While not all crows are interested in hummingbirds, some will eat them if given the chance.

If you live in an area where crows frequent, you should be aware of their presence and take precautions to safeguard hummingbirds from them.



While hummingbirds are not usually the prey of insects, there are some species of insect that will eat them if given the chance.

One example is the praying mantis, which has been known to snatch hummingbirds out of the air and eat them. 


hummingbird predators

Sadly, humans are also one of the hummingbirds’ biggest predators. While most people don’t intentionally harm hummingbirds, there are some who do. 

In addition, hummingbirds are sometimes killed accidentally by cars or lawn mowers. 

How Does a Hummingbird Protect Itself?


One way hummingbirds protect themselves from predators is by making noise.

When a hummingbird is disturbed, it will often make a loud, chirping sound that will warn other hummingbirds in the area of danger. This noise can also help to startle predators and give the hummingbird time to escape.


Another way hummingbirds protect themselves is by flying. When a hummingbird is threatened, it will often fly away to safety.

This is one of the reasons why hummingbirds are often seen darting around in the air – they are constantly on the lookout for predators.


Also, hummingbirds protect themselves is by nesting. When a hummingbird builds a nest, it will often build it in a location that is difficult for predators to reach. This can help to keep the hummingbird’s eggs and chicks safe from harm.

What Can You Do to Protect Hummingbirds?

If you want to help protect hummingbirds from predators, there are a few things you can do.

Keep cats indoors

If you have a cat, it’s important to keep it indoors when hummingbirds are present. This will help to prevent the cat from preying on hummingbirds.

Remove snakes from your property

If you have snakes on your property, it’s important to remove them. This will help to prevent them from preying on hummingbirds. Of-course do it in a humane way so the snakes are not harmed.

Set up a hummingbird feeder

One of the best ways to protect hummingbirds is to set up a hummingbird feeder. This will provide them with a safe place to eat and drink without having to worry about predators.

There are a lot of  different hummingbird feeders available, so be sure to choose one that is right for your needs.

Be aware of hawks and owls

If you have hawks or owls in your area, it’s important to be aware of their presence. If necessary, take steps to protect your hummingbirds from these predators.

Owls and hawks are afraid of humans, so often just your presence will be enough to keep them away.

Provide nesting materials

If you want to help hummingbirds build nests, you can provide them with nesting materials. For nesting materials you can provide  hummingbirds with cotton balls, shredded paper, or even small pieces of cloth.

Keep insects away

If you have insects in your area, it’s important to keep them away from hummingbirds. This can be done by using insecticidal sprays or traps.

In Conclusion

As you can see, there are a number of different hummingbird predators that you need to be aware of.

By taking the necessary precautions, you can help to protect hummingbirds from these predators. Hummingbirds are such fascinating creatures and it’s important that we do what we can to protect them.

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